Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Chicken and Sausage Flatbread

We went to Schlafly's Brewery in St. Louis last weekend and had this great appetizer.  I duplicated it at home with ingredients we like.

Chicken and Sausage Flatbread

1 thin pizza crust
2/3 c. or so of jarred alfredo sauce
2/3 c. diced cajun flavored chicken breast. diced
1 chipotle & jack fully-cooked chicken sausage, sliced thin
crushed red pepper flakes
1 1/2 c. or so shredded mozzarella cheese
1/4 c. grated parm cheese

Spread alfredo sauce on crust.  Add the diced chicken and sliced chicken sausage.  Sprinkle on some crushed red pepper flakes.   Combine the mozzarella cheese and parm cheese.  Sprinkle over the top of the pizza.

Cook at 450 degrees for about 10-15 minutes.  If you have a convection oven, turn the fan on the last couple of minutes to get nicely toasted cheese top.

I used Paul Newman's Alfredo Sauce.  Garlic Alfredo Sauce would be good, too!
I used Johnsonville fully cooked chicken sausage

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