Monday, August 5, 2019

Cauliflower Steaks

Here's another item from my 'I should try that sometime' list.  You can grill or roast these!  My first bite reaction was 'This is pretty good, but probably a better side dish than a meal" and by the end of it felt that it really could be a meal.  It was filling on it's own and has a good spicy-ness to it.  That always makes things better!

With the leftover florets, you could make another m
batch of the seasoning and oil and toss it together and roast them!  425 degrees for about 20 minutes.  (Update:  I have done these 4 times now in 2 weeks and don't bother with the 'steaks'.  I just do the florets.  Love them!)

This makes 2 steaks.

Floret version
Cauliflower Steaks

1 medium size cauliflower
1/2 t. salt
1/4 t. pepper
1/4 t. garlic powder
1/4 t. paprika
2 T. olive oil

Trim the leaves off the cauliflower and set the head on it's stem on a cutting board.  Cut in half down the center.  Then cut each half down the side next to the stem to create a steak.  Save the flowerettes not attached to the stem for another use.

Put each steak on a sheet pan and brush both sides with the olive oil.  Then sprinkle both sides with the seasoning.

Grill on a medium heat for 5-6 minutes per side, until they start to get a slight char and they are tender.
t = teaspoon
T = tablespoon

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