Thursday, December 29, 2022

NY Strip Steaks in Cast Iron

 It was waaaaayyyy to cold to grill out, so we pulled out the trusty old cast iron to prepare our steaks.   I love a grilled steak, but this was definitely an acceptable alternative.

NY Strip Steaks in Cast Iron

2 NY Strips

2 T. olive oil

3 T. butter

salt and pepper to taste

sprigs of fresh rosemary (feel free to add thyme if you like)

2 -3 cloves smashed garlic

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

Add the olive oil to a medium-high heated cast iron on the stovetop.   Pan sear the steaks 3-5 minutes on one side and flip for another 2-3 minutes on the other.

Add the butter, garlic, rosemary/thyme to the cast iron.  As the butter melts, spoon it over the steaks.

Pop the cast iron in the oven and finish off to the desired doneness, use your meat thermometer--probably about 8-10 minutes.  

Let them rest 5 minutes before slicing.


T = Tablespoon

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