Thursday, October 3, 2024


 I wanted to try a biscuit recipe to go with the Lemon Chicken Rice Soup we were having for dinner tonight and found this recipe on   This was absolute perfection.  Honestly, it could not have been better.  10/10 would recommend.   I often tweak a recipe a bit.  Not this time.  No way.

We had them with butter, but they would be totally awesome with jam or sausage gravy.   And, a biscuit would make a great egg sandwich for breakfast with bacon and cheese.  The possibilities are endless!   

To quote my dinner partner,  "I wish I could turn back time and have this all over again."  Well lucky for him, there are only 2 of us and we have tons of soup left and 5 more biscuits!  Dinner tomorrow, anyone?

This recipe makes 6-7 biscuits.  


250 g. all-purpose flour (2 cups)

1 T. baking powder

1 T. granulated sugar

1 t. salt

6 tablespoons unsalted very cold butter (stick it in the freeze a bit if you have to)

3/4 c. whole milk or buttermilk, or 2%.  (I used whole)

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.  Line a baking pan with nonstick parchment paper.

Combine the flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt.   Set aside.

Remove the butter from the fridge or freezer.  Shred the butter into small pieces using a box grater (that's why you want it cold!) and add it to the flour mixture.

Mix the butter in with the flour mixture with your hands until it is course crumbs.

Add the cold milk.  Use a wooden spoon or spatula to stir until it is just combined.

Transfer your biscuit dough to a well floured surface and work the dough together with your hands.   If the dough is too sticky add a bit more flour.

Once the dough is cohesive, fold it in half and use your hands to gently flatten it into a rectangle.  Rotate the dough 90 degrees and flatten again.  Repeat 5 or 6 times, but don't overwork the dough.

Using your hands (not a rolling pin), flatten the dough to 1 inch think and lightly dust a 2 3/4 inch round biscuit cutter with flour.

Making close cuts, press the cutter down in the dough, do not twist.  Drop the biscuits on the prepared sheet pan.

Once you have gotten as many out of the dough as possible, reform the remaining dough to cut as many biscuits as possible, at least 6.

Bake for 12 minutes exactly at 425 degrees.  You want them to be just turning lightly golden brown.

Brush with melted butter immediately after they come out of the oven.


T = tablespoon

t = teaspoon

c = cup

Sorry folks:  280 calories, 36g carbs, 5g protein, 13g fat per biscuit. 

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