Sunday, October 23, 2016

Cole Slaw

I got this recipe from my mother-in-law years ago.  She didn't follow recipes all that much--just the way I like to cook.  It is a solid go-to whenever cole slaw is in order and goes great with pulled pork sandwiches!

Cole Slaw

1 head of cabbage shredded

Equal parts mayo and sour cream
A spoonful of vinegar
A spoonful of sugar

Uncomfortable with vague recipes?  Try this if you have a large head of cabbage, start with about 1/3 c. of mayo and 1/3 c. of sour cream and 1 t. vinegar and 1 t. sugar and see if it is enough.   It's really about personal taste.

Combine the dressing with the cabbage.

Don't overdue it on the dressing.  Once it gets combined with the cabbage, everything softens up a bit.  You can always add more dressing after it sits for a bit if you need to.

Top with paprika for presentation.

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