Monday, September 14, 2015

Salted Caramel Pretzel Bark

I made this recipe when our church was sending care packages to our college students before finals week.  They must have been popular--I received a request for the recipe.   Just sayin'.

Salted Caramel Pretzel Bark

8 oz. pretzels, I used mini twists and broke them up a bit.  Your choice, though.
1 c. butter
1 c. brown sugar, packed
2 c. semi sweet chocolate chips
Sea salt

Line a large cookie sheet with foil or parchment paper.

Spread pretzels on the foil/paper.

Boil the butter and brown sugar in a medium pan over medium heat, stirring occasionally to blend. Once you have a rolling boil, stop stirring and boil for about 3 minutes.

Pour the hot toffee mix over the pretzels.  Any gaps will fill in when it is in the oven.

Bake in a 375 degree oven for 5 minutes and remove from oven.

Sprinkle chocolate chips over the top of the pretzels/toffee.   Return to oven for a minute or two.

Remove from the oven and let the chips melt a bit more for a couple of minutes.

Spread the melted chocolate over the top.

Sprinkle a bit of sea salt on the melted chocolate if you desire.    Of course you do!

Stick in the fridge to set.  Break or cut into chunks and enjoy.

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