Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Cucumber Tomato Salad with Red Wine Vinaigrette

 We went to a local farm and picked up some produce.  It went right into this delish salad.  It is based out of a recipe from Salt Acid Fat Heat by Samin Nosrat.


One Cucumber chopped in any size you like.  Peel it if you like, or stripey peel it.

1/2 pint or whatever amount you like of cherry tomatoes, halved or quartered

Red onion, thinly sliced.  You be the judge on how much you want.

Feta cheese, optional. I didn't use it this time, but it would be good!

Red Wine Vinaigrette

2 T. shallots, finely diced

3 T. red wine vinegar, divided

6 T. olive oil

Big pinch of sea salt

small pinch of pepper

Toss the dressing ingredients in a jar and shake.  Or whisk in a bowl.  Set aside.

To assemble the salad, toss the thinly sliced red onion in 1 T. of red wine vinegar.  Let it maserate for 20 minutes (than means just let it sit and soak).

Toss the cucumber, tomato, feta and red onion with the dressing.  You probably won't need it all!


T = tablespoon

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