Friday, November 25, 2016

Pecan Sheet Pan 'Pie'

I made this for Thanksgiving (from Family Circle mag) this year and really liked it for a few reasons-- you can cut it in smaller pieces so that you have room to try a few different thanksgiving desserts and the pecan pie 'goo' layer is much thinner in than in a pecan pie.  Actually, I am not sure I am going to make pecan pie in a traditional shape ever again!

One note about pie crusts--spend the extra 50 cents on Pillsbury or a brand name store-bought crust and stay away from Walmart's Great Value brand.  I find it to be flat and crumbly.

Pecan Sheet Pan 'Pie'
2 refrigerated pie crusts (1 box), room temperature
1 1/2 c. packed light brown sugar
1 c. light corn syrup
10 T. unsalted butter
5 eggs, beaten
1 t. vanilla extract
3/4 t. salt
3 c. pecan halves

Lightly flour a surface and unroll the 2 crusts.  Stack crusts on top of each other and roll out crusts to a 17" x 12" rectangle.  Place in the bottom of a rimmed 15" x 10" sheet pan and fold over any edges.  Refrigerate while you are preparing the filling.

In a medium pot over medium heat, combine brown sugar, corn syrup, and butter, whisking until smooth and barely bubbling.  Remove from heat and slowly stir in the eggs, vanilla and salt.

Scatter the pecans over the crust in an even layer.  Slower pour filling over pecans.

Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes until crust is browned and filling is set.

Cool completely before cutting into squares.

c = cup
T = tablespoon
t = teaspoon
seriously---no Great Value crusts.

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