Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Chicken or Beef Marinade

This is a great marinade if you are hosting a BBQ with a lot of people--or our regular Tall Grass Friday Night neighbor dinner :)

It makes enough to marinate about 15 steaks or chicken breasts.  You pick the chicken or steak of your choice.

I know, some of these ingredients aren't considered 'clean' but my goal here is to try to capture my favorites and try to eat smarter.  This falls more into the 'favorite' category.

Chicken or Beef Marinade
1/2 bottle of soy sauce
Large can of pineapple juice
1/4 c. red wine vinegar
1/2 bottle of worcestershire sauce
2 T. seasoned salt
1/8 - 1/4 c. sugar to sweeten, but you could maybe also use honey.  I am going to try that next time!  I'll edit this recipe if I do!

Combine all ingredients and marinate with meat for about 12 hours.

Recruit the best grill master you know.  That would by my hubby.  Followed by our neighbor Gary.  I know where my loyalties are.

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