Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Bean, Veggie, and Meat Tacos

I threw this together for dinner using some leftover pork roast, tortillas, fresh cilantro and a lime that I needed to use up.   I just pulled together extra ingredients from the pantry and freezer.   Turned out pretty good! Colorful, too!

If you left the pork out, I think it would make an excellent salsa, as well. These are estimates on the amounts I used.

Bean Veggie and Meat Tacos
1 can Trader Joe's Diced Fire Roasted Organic Tomatoes with Green Chiles
1 can Trader Joe's Organic Red Kidney Beans (black beans would be better for a salsa, but I didn't have any of those on hand)
3 green onions chopped.  (Or some red onion instead.  That would be lovely)
2/3 c frozen corn
1 1/2 c frozen green, red, yellow pepper blend, chopped
1 T. chopped garlic
Juice of one lime
1 T olive oil
1 c. leftover pork, steak, or chicken
1/4 c fresh cilantro, chopped
Sour cream and grated cheese to garnish

Warm everything in a sauté pan.  Top with cilantro.  Spoon on to a tortilla.

c = cup
t = teaspoon
T = tablespoon

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