Sunday, April 13, 2014

Zucchini Parmesan Logs

This is one awesome side dish and you can feel really good about eating them.   Sure, there is cheese but it's minimal.  Everything is better with cheese.    Everything.

I did NOT use the green container of grated parmesan.  C'mon, you know the one I am talking about.  I grated my own fresh parmesan.  I am not sure what it would taste like using the store bought canned stuff containing powdered cellulose to prevent caking.  But I can't imagine it would be all that good.

Zucchini Parmesan Logs
4 medium zucchini, cut lengthwise
1/2 c fresh parmesan, grated
1 - 2 T. fresh rosemary and thyme, minced
salt and pepper

Preheat the oven 350 degrees.  

Lightly brush both sides of the zucchini logs with extra virgin olive oil and lay them on a foil lined baking sheet.  

Mix the cheese, herbs, salt and pepper and sprinkle them over the 8 zucchini logs.

Bake 15 minutes.  Broil for 3-5 minutes more until the cheese is crispy and browned to give them that 'I've gotta have that now' look.

c = cup
T = Tablespoon

I didn't have fresh rosemary or thyme so I used dry.  My rosemary was still in the 'little needle' form, so I just threw it into my coffee grinder to grind it a bit.  Worked great!

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