Sunday, April 6, 2014

Let's Get Started!

I. Love. To. Eat.    That's no secret!  I also love to cook.  Usually.    So that works out well.

Being in the kitchen makes me happy and cooking is my way of telling my family and friends that I love them.   I'm Norwegian and reserved with my emotions.   Rest assured, when I make something for you, it's my way of saying I love you.  'Nuf said.  Uff Da.  Let's move on from the mushy stuff.

I've never written a blog and have read very few, so I really don't know what I am doing.  Yep, I'm new here.     So, why am I here?   I wanted a way to document my food journey with recipes, pics and comments to help me me remember what I really liked.   This seems like a better idea than my spiral notebook.  And, I guess if anyone else stumbles upon this blog, well…maybe you'll find something you'd like to try.

I  have become increasingly more interested in trying to cook with real ingredients.  For me, that means cutting back on processed foods and trying to avoid GMOs, food dyes, and ingredients that sound like they belong in a chem lab, not on your plate.    That said.....

DISCLAIMER ALERT!  There will be recipes that just doesn't meet the principles above.  Some recipes are just too good to lose.  This blog also serves as my recipe repository and I want to be sure to hang on to some good ones even if they use ingredients that should be limited.  Consider it a treat if you make it or just skip it if it ruffles your feathers.

Pictures are obviously not professional--just using my iPhone here!

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